Monday, March 16, 2009

The Plays

Line Out
-You use a line-out to restart the game quickly and safely. There is a jumper and two supporting players from both teams and there is a "hooker" from the team who has the ball. The hooker throws the ball down the middle of the two lines. When the ball is thrown the supporters have to lift the jumper at grab the ball before the other team.("The line-out")

-The scrum creates a tunnel into which a scrum half throws in the ball so that front row players can compete for possession. It is imperative for safety reasons that all players understand the correct techniques for their position. The scrum is the players of the pack.("The Scrum")

The Ruck
-A ruck is a part of the game where one or more players of each team, are on their feet and in physical contact and close to the ball.("The Ruck")

The Tackle

-A tackle is an important part of this game. You need to be able to give a tackle and take one. Knowing the key points will make the game more enjoyable. You need to keep low, your eyes open and aware. Make contact with your shoulder to their thighs, wrap your arms around them while driving into them. Get them to the ground and get up as fast as you can and keep going!

The Maul
-the maul is when the ball holder is being held by one or more opponents one or more of the ball carrier's team mates bind on the ball carrier.("The Maul")

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